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Pokoras for all occasions


Today just takes me back to my childhood. The mouth watering smell of pokoras being prepared by my mum, while dad used to enjoy making the chutney, fresh mint and chilli with dry pomegranate seeds. What a pleasant smell it was indeed.

The satisfaction I got as a little girl, watching and learning from my Dad, preparing the perfect chutney, with his heavy pestle and mortar just brings a smile to my face.

Well the weather is not sure what it wants to do. But one thing is for sure if you’re indoors on a rainy day or going on a picnic, in the sun, your day will be that extra special , sharing some home cooked pokoras with your friends and family. Warning!! Just make sure you have cooked enough, they’ll soon be gone.

Now that Ramadhan is near, freshly cooked pokoras smell will most definitely be present, where the Kashmiri community live. Infusions of Kashmiri food being cooked in the evening. I grew up watching my mum cook and share the pokoras with friends and neighbours. A tradition I am good at sticking to.

Pokoras are always simple and a delicious dish to cook.

Get the children involved start peeling that potato. Don’t forget a pokora is not a pokora without the home made chutney (mint sauce). Pokora recipe, mint and chilli sauce recipe.

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